Into the sea

<3 WC: 524

Kesho Maisha

Kesho could sense, to some extent, that the femme understood his brooding and reminiscent undertones. He raised an eyebrow as he watched her considering him. What do others think of me, I wonder...just a foolish old man, or what? And as if unable to think without it happening, another voice hissed inside his head. Sounds like a fitting title. You're a worthless fucker, after all. Kesho suppressed a shudder as the voice echoed inside his head. He narrowly managed to keep these thoughts at bay, forcing his mind closed. What an annoying chore. He had become more capable, over the years, to keep those thoughts-- keep him-- away. It required all of his concentration and attention, however, and tended to make him look a bit...well, crazy. He let out a light sigh, and an ear flicked as it attended to Halo's voice presently. His features hardened visibly as her words spilled out. Both were true; his eyes narrowed slightly, considering her question. To reveal such information might be a bad idea. Though, as it stood, Gabriel knew, for the most part, how Kesho felt. It really wasn't much of a secret. So as he spoke the words flew easily, amiably.

"I must admit, sometimes the longing catches me." He admitted, turning his head away from her briefly. "Old habits die hard, and all that." He smirked, eyes flashing briefly.

Talking about the glory days--for truly it was a good term for them--caused Kesho's mind to wander. Inferni had been young then, very erratic and uncoordinated. But damned if they weren't revered and feared for it. The old, bronzed coyote pawed at the ground idly, trailing a clawed paw in the sand, making silly nonsense shapes. He looked back up at the girl, feeling a bit sheepish now. She might think that he was still that coyote, from back then. It was true that he maintained most of his beliefs, rituals, and ideals, but now that he had returned, it was shocking. It wasn't the same place, and these practices didn't fly as quickly or easily here. So he was adjusting. And slowly, but against his will, he was being worked into something that resembled his old self, but wasn't quite. He was, however, working back his muscle and form, regaining the structure of a much younger coyote. It had been a while, though, since he'd fully and truly had the capacity to be as he had been for all those years. Now, he felt, he was being returned that sense of belonging and need.

"I'm a bit out of practice, though, truth be told." He added, humbly trying to keep his feeble ego from swelling larger than it could handle. Back then, he remembered, he had let his feelings of invincibility get the best of him. He had been hurt. Though he was once a great fighter, his skills were due for refreshing. He had begun his re-training on day one of returning to these lands. Kesho had felt his speed returning, and knew that it would take several months to be even close to the beast that he had once been.

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