grass is greener
ooc;; Its fiiine Meg!! No worries dear!

Saul read the disappointment on the tiny grey puppies face as she was scooped up by her mother. He chuckled softly to himself, his belly still uneasy from the consumption of grapes. It was his first exposure to the food and he didnt quite know what to think of it. They tasted good, but a few had been a little squishy to bite into and their taste had been darker, deeper even. Her words echoed in his ears and he gave a large grapey grin up towards her. She was right about that, but it may have already been a little too late for him. His stomach gave a heave and he took a deep breath to try and settle it. Once he was sure he wasn't going to splatter the contents of his stomach all over the grass he spoke.

"I think it might be a little too late for that... Perhaps next time I'll learn some caution!"

For a six month old, Saul spoke with articulation and consideration. Green eyes watched with amusement as the small grey puppy tried to get down and her mother gave in, kneeling and setting her free. She zoomed straight towards him and from his laying position Saul was covered in short snuffling prods to his face and legs. He gave a laugh, bringing his paw up to gently push over the young female. She didnt seem to like it all that much and lept up to sniff him again. He would have pushed her gently back over again but her mother spoke and he snapped his head back up to look at her. He smiled at her, his developing puppy brain grasping what she meant. He dipped his head once, earning himself a lick on the nose by the grey puppy.

"I understand Miss --? I spent a while as a loner and it taught me to be wary of those I don't know... even without small pups with me!"

He replied and was rewarded by another lick on the tongue by the small grey puppy. He laughed softly, giving the young one a soft lick on the forehead before she was introduced. Magnolia, Poppy and Foxglove. Green eyes caught hold of the small forms of the two less adventurous puppies that hung close to their mothers side. The red and white one and the pale cream one. While the red one, Poppy, sat on her mothers lap, the cream one, Foxglove, stood by her side as if still wary. His attention was distracted however by the small voice of Magnolia, who had asked him to play. Green eyes lit up as she dropped down into the age-old symbol for play. He leapt to his feet, gentle paw just touching the little grey female's side in an attempt to push her down.

"I know allll the games!"

He teased with a soft chuckle on his lips. She was lively and eager and Saul was more than happy to play with her. He waited for her to make the first move however so she could decide what game to play.

word count;; 517


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