I'm permanently blue
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a329/ ... _horse.gif); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">


She had figured that something like this would happen eventually, she just hadn't known when. They had spent an awful lot of time together and were always by each others' sides. Ember was surprised when he howled and she pulled back a bit, laughing. He was really that happy? She was happy too but showed it in a more subdued way, her tail wagging steadily behind her.

At his words she took off for the house as well, arriving there with him a short while later. Maybe they ought to break out another bottle! She began to concentrate on shifting again, getting to her halfling form before her tiredness set back in. She didn't know if she could go back to full optime tonight. Oh well; this would be good enough for now. "Let's have a drink!


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