Sometimes it feels just like I'm

He had his feet over the edge of the ledge, his tail out behind him. Since learning to shift, he had wanted to try to catch fish this way. He was tired of using those nets! Gideon hoped to catch something really big and important so that Conor might recognize his fishing skills and allow him to have a higher rank in the pack when he got a little bit older. He wondered if he would be put at the starting rank or the next one up. He wanted to be close to Conor but not a leader; Gideon wasn't quite the leader type. He had a lot to learn.

Layla's voice behind him made him turn, his tail wagging excitedly. He had been wondering what his packmate had been up to lately; he hadn't seen her much! He stood up and made to give her a lick on the muzzle, an affectionate greeting for an old friend. "Hey!!! I'm fishing. Thought I'd try this new way out!" He pointed to his rod, which he had stuck into the ground....but....where was it?!

He looked over the edge and saw it, caught around a few tree roots that were sticking out from the ridge's walls. It wasn't too far down...he reached, grabbing it. Whoah! It seemed that some animal had pulled it over the edge when he had gotten up to greet Layla. Something strong, too! He pulled up, tugging on the line. "I don't know what the heck is on this line...but it's something big!" He said, distracted.

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