Baa Baa Black Sheep

OOC: sorry for the confusion jamzface, i'll try not to let it happen again. exactly +500

What's so wrong with being happy?
Kudos to those who see through sickness.

The woman would stand, though not as tall as Mars himself, she still looked as if she could put up some sort of a fight. Didn't the saying go something like "the smaller the dog, the harder it fought"? Either way, Mars knew to keep his distance from the wolvess, for his mother had been sure to make him stay his distance when he had first met a person. Hell, Mars tended to stay away from a lot of wolvens when he first met them, and even when they knew who he was, he still did not get too comfortable in the presence of another. Even when he was in the presence of himself he was uncomfortable at times. The times he was most comfortable would probably be when he was sitting behind a guitar, singing a silent song in his head as his fingers would make a beautiful song that all would be able to hear.

The woman would speak to him, her voice pleasant to his mismatched ears. It made one ear pull back shyly, then the other still pulled towards her. Blue eyes still sat behind those sunglasses he had fixed up to fit his face back in California. She'd mention a 'Phoenix Valley'. Mars knew not of the pack, but then again, he didn't know a lot of things about Nova Scotia. The neighboring packs were no exception, though he did know of a Dahlia De Mai from a Larkness wolf that he had met awhile back, and then there was Crimson Dreamers. Now there was another, this Phoenix Valley. Mars took in her scent carefully then, a deep breath taken in by the male as he stood there in front of the woman, his hands at his side, leather jacket hugging his chest and pants hugging the man's legs. He shifted his stance, blue eyes stuck on the woman before they had moved to look at the sheep that was happily munching on some grass. He stared at that for a moment, a pause, a silence falling between the two before Mars would finally open his maw to speak.

Mars Russo of Cour Des Miracles. What's the sheep for? Ya' don't see too many of the black ones running around you know.. the man spoke to the woman, his head cocking. He briefly thought of the herds that they had back in Fresno, and how every once in awhile mom would beat him into secui form to chase some sheep for herding. (this would only be if his older half siblings weren't around though.) The wolf-dog man tilted his nose to the woman to look in her mismatched eyes with his own shaded blue eyes. He noticed she had two pretty eyes, one yellow, the other blue. Weird combination but pretty none the less. He'd probably never tell her this though. Not unless Bartholomew was around, that damned loud mouth.

Why are you here, Addison? Mars would ask simply, a pathetic attempt to keep the conversation going.

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