Look to the past, tell me what you see
The male looked up as the female who had previously introduced herself as Rendall approached him. She had the air about her that told him that she had traveled, and suffered at times. At this rate, Davyn was beginning to think that no wolf had not suffered in some way or another.

"Good evening, my lady." Davyn scooted over, making a spot for the female to sit. "I would normally ask the same of such a pretty female, but I fear that my tongue is a bit tied at the moment." Davyn grinned slightly, trying to gauge how she would react.

"To answer your question, fair lady, I find that memories have roused me from a sound sleep on this snowy night, and chased me out to find some answers. Perhaps you could assist this poor wolf? It has struck me that you are familiar with the packlands. Did you reside here before...your travels?"

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