Look to the past, tell me what you see
Davyn noted the blush of Rendall with an inner grin. She got a dreamy look in her eyes as she remembered her friends...it was a look that he loved to study, since one could always tell if a memory was fresh from the way it appeared in a wolf's eyes.

However, his study was paused rather abruptly when the name Anya was mentioned...Anya. Where did he know that name from...? And then it hit him. His brother had mated with a regular wolf named Anya.

"Just out of curiosity, young miss, was your Anya a regular wolf, silver fur with bright red eyes...?" He could only hope that his assumption was wrong. His memories were beginning to flood back, and Davyn wasn't entirely sure he liked the sensation of helplessness that came with the flood.

He saw, in his violently twitching mind's eye, the silver furred wolf his brother had loved. She had been great at first. She really had been. But Davyn had always sensed a darker side of her, a side that his brother had been blind to. So he had not been too surprised to see her turn and break his brother's heart. What Davyn had been more shocked about was the fact that she had managed to turn the entire pack against his small family. And had them destroyed. How he had survived, he had no idea.

Davyn jerked out of the flood of not-so-wanted-after-all memories, and almost cowered against the roots of the tree, breathing heavily, wide eyes with panic.

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