For Blue Skies

OOC Haha It's fine! ^^ The holidays are always a busy time, but are so much fun. Mainly Christmas. <3 Your post had me giggling the whole time I read. xD

As the dust rose Bao went into a coughing fit lasting only for a few minutes, but a small cough kept occurring afterwards. Who, how? Who the hell was this lady and where did she come from? Moreover how come he didn't notice? He spat a fury of curse words in his native tongue to himself, why did he act so stupid when he was alone? Nosing around like a mindless child, Baako would scold him for such a thing!

He eyed Orin for a bit looking down at her as she stopped screaming, thank Heaven. She was small, white with pink tainting her mane from the looks, thanks to all the dusting floating about he was unable to get the Cercatori smell. She seemed ever so harmless, well that was until she screamed at him racing at him and furiously swinging her satchel at him and managing to land some hits on his torso. The hits hurt, but they were more of a stinging feeling rather than a throbbing pain one would get from being hit by a bag filled of heavy this and thats. Compared to the dead weight of another the bag actually felt rather light to him, though it still hurt slightly, of course.

Ghost? Crazy? He wasn't sure about the former, but he definitely thought the latter suited her much more at the moment. Ghost... One still believed in such things today? Some of his siblings were into such things, but when they were extremely young and all had thought it was stupid before th Hanleys split, and at times Baako would fake an interest just to get on his nerves. She manged to land a few more hits before coughing and dramatically jumping back from him only to stumble and fall onto the floor in a tangle. He felt the urge to laugh, but he didn't and held it in.

Now coughing and sneezing she managed to hack out some words, kill the pack? He raised a brow and walked over to Orin crouching down next to her. Chuckling at her words he attempted to help her out of the tangle

"Prima di tutto- First of all, I am not a ghost and second, I would not kill my pack."

So, she was also part of the family? Well, this meeting had an interesting start to it.

"You reap what you sew, little woman," he said, referring to her "attacking" him and ending up getting tangled.

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