i am not alone

Now make him roll over, Mis. Sometimes she wished she could conjure the dead so she could give him a firm smack. Her inner voice has ceased to be a reflection of herself - it is his voice, it will be his voice until her dying day. Her ears perk and a pleased grin creeps across her face. One scarred hand reaches up and briefly touched the rounded cross-charm that hangs around her delicate neck - Damian's necklace, rescued from a pyre - and she is thrilled. The leader of the coyote clan is de le Poer - she knows this from previous visits. Gabriel de le Poer if things have not changed, son of Kaena Lykoi and Ahren. She is beyond thrilled, she could feel herself growing nearly giddy with excitement. This is some of the best news she could have received. This girl is of Lykoi stock - she is fond of them, she finds Kaena to be an amazing creature - this is a choice she can be thrilled by.

"How long until they are here? And why does she not stay with you?" There is a slight edge to her tone, subtle and quiet. He should be tending to this Eris, keeping her well and strong. The children growing in her belly represent a unique union of lines if her guesses are correct - and they often are because Misery is meticulous. What Misery does not know is that this Eris is of Eternity stock, and she hates him so. He has not been the only male to touch her so violently, but something about him cut deeper than the others. But there is a part of her that is thankful to that mad man - it is what he has done to her that sparked rage from Damian, rage that drove him to send Salvaged away, rage that let Misery grow closer. "What is his name?"


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