puff of air

table © Alaine
ooc: Sorry it took so long, hun. D:

As Denali fell, rolling over himself a few times before settling right side up again, Sylvie couldn't help but chuckle. Obviously she had garnered for his attention too soon- and he'd ended up missing his landing. She hopped off the wall, graceful, careful, and picked her way over to the pup, orchid petal orbs scanning him for any scratches or injury. It wouldn't do to cause the poor young male any damage! If his parents were nearby... she would be in for some serious trouble, for certain. However, as she approached, she was greeted with a happy, bubbly form of acceptance.

"You can join me!" He had said, looking back at her with big, glinting eyes. "I'm very glad you'll let me. Are you alright?" She said softly, pausing a foot away to make sure she was allowed to approach him. Inciting the rage of a mother was not something the lilac pelted beauty was interested in at this point- but the whelp was so very cute! What could she do? Glancing around and finding no one else in the vicinity, Sylvie began to wonder if the little boy had any parents at all.

As he piped up and offered his name, the yearling smiled brightly and answered in turn. "My name is Sylvie. It is very nice to meet you, Denali." She chuckled and crouched down next to the young brute, tail curling in the frosted grasses of their hideaway. Ivory hands unfurled from their clasped positions in favor of ruffling the little boy's hair before asking another question. "What shall we play, hm?" The pretty young adult adopted a silly thinking expression, one hand curled beneath slender alabaster maw while amethyst gems glimmered mischievously.

While she thought, she began to change. Lengthy limbs melted into lithe ivory socked stilts while fingers sucked backward into thick-toed paws. Slender neck and wild mane shortened and thickened as spine crackled quietly to accommodate the shortening change. Within a minute's time, Sylvie had dropped to all fours, rocking her lovely canine form, the heart-like mark on her forehead much more easily visible. She smiled again, before gently settling a paw onto a frosted grass blade, feeling the ice melt between her toes. They could easily continue the game he had been playing before, losing themselves to the wild, wind-swept grasses and their frost-kissed bodies, or play something new. Sylvie was plenty capable of making up new games for younger canines.

Speak think walk


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