You fall away from your past
Not knowing if Arkham was alright or not wasn't the only thing that had been keeping the hybrid down. He had been the only one that had been on her mind when the fire had started. In her own worry and madness over where he was, Rachias had completely forgotten about the rest of them. Her father, Ahren, they hadn't even been a thought in her mind until the moment Gabriel had told them to treat all wolves as hostile. It was then that she thought about them, wondered if they made it out alive, and then felt bad for not trying to find them sooner. She could have lost them all and just not known it yet. It would have been her luck, really, that she would lose the ones that she cared about and that Andre would end up alive somewhere.

Frowning at the thought, the sandy hybrid continued on her way, weaving in and out through the trees. It wasn't until the faint scent hit her nose that she slowed herself, not until the moment that her name was spoken that she turned her head. Blue eyes searched quickly, seeing him there, just ahead and off to the side a bit. "Dad?" She asked then, quiet, as if waiting for him to confirm that he was really there and not just some image come to haunt her. The girl shuffled forward a few steps, stopped, and adjusted herself so that she was turned toward him. It was him for certain, but he didn't look well and Rachias didn't feel comfortable enough to approach and give him the greeting that she really wanted to.


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