Follow the Road...
[I'd like someone to give Aquila a reason to leave Sable et Rivages.]

Aquila woke to the noise he still hadn't grown accustomed to, even after living outside of the big city for so long. It'd been a whole month since he'd met his first wolf, and he hadn't heard much from them since. The attic space of the house he'd been living in was more cozy than it had been when he moved in- some scavenging in the ruined houses had procured some blankets and even an old couch cushion. Yet he still wasn't satisfied. He crawled out from under the blankets, and stretched, then shook violently for a moment before padding toward the gaping hole in the roof, his impromptu window. This was good- He loved the rain. 'Tears of the Gods', the Shaman called it. He paced down the collapsed floor of the attic, jumping to the ground floor and hopping through the window- the waterlogged door was locked. He paced through the drizzle to the small clearing, the ground made up of some black rock that the grass was slowly overtaking. The coyote padded through the street, eyes calmly sweeping from one side of the street to the other. the coast was clear- he began following the road toward the center of the small town.

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