Skin-tight Alibi

He remembered hers, at least. She hoped that he wouldn't ask whether she could recall his name. Dierdre had never spoken of the old lands when Addison had been around, and she hadn't asked about them either. She didn't know if there were painful memories or if her mother was trying to deny that that part of her past happened at all...who knew. "Two litters, actually. She stupidly had another pup after me. Don't worry, though; I took the girl away with me when I left."

They fell into an easy conversation and she took in what he was saying. A second litter, eh? She didn't care for pups much unless they were in her family, but she supposed that these ones were kind of in her family. "Congratulations. Not my thing, but I'm happy for you and the mother of the pups. Visiting Dierdre was nuts. She's gotten weird...if she was ever normal...and she wasn't taking very good care of Grace. She hasn't come back to get her, either, she probably doesn't care that I took her. She lives in Phoenix Valley with me now."


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