Tell me a Story

ooc: 3+

Time Goes Faster

Tala knew nothing of Xeris other than the fact that she now knew her name, and she smelt of both Phoenix Valley and a place she did not recognize. The smell was strong, but not strong enough to symbolize having left the pack entirely. Tala had a hunch there was a story behind all of this, but asking of something like that was far beyond what she had the right to ask in mere curiosity. Hell, she just met her, she wasn't going to start asking her life questions. That would just be rude. Tala's gaze was almost mesmerized by the small flakes, the amber orbs darted from side to side on occasion as she watched individual flakes dance to the ground. When it was like this, she loved the snow, until it built up on the ground. Then it could just go where the sun don't shine.

Tala smiled, watching the fellow pack member's face now instead of the lifeless frozen water. After all, she had seen snow before, she was not a new pup. Tala noticed the lack of emotion in both her face and voice, and the curiosity of it built in the pit of her stomach, but still, she would not overstep her boundaries. In the future, if she became further friends with Xeris, maybe then she would ask such questions. " Oh, I've only been here for a short time. A few weeks at most, I haven't tracked the days as well as I'd like too." She had been far to distracted with the new experience to track the date as of late. "You smell of Phoenix Valley as well as other places. You've been here for a while, correct?" She was merely asking about how long she was in the pack, not where she's been or anything like that. Just a simple question of time.

The dappled female shook her head quickly to rid it of the small amount of snow gathering on her fur. It chilled her nose as flakes melted into water. Somehow the thought of snow didn't feel so dangerous. Now that she had a home, the thought of not finding shelter and food, they weren't crossing her mind like they would have the prior year. Oh that thought was amazing... the worry wasn't as frightening to her. The factor of the winter killing her wasn't nearly as strong this year. That would calm any spirit. Tala cocked her head to the side slightly as she noticed the almost worried expression on Xeris' face. She wasn't sure what it was about, but it seemed quite personal. She could hide the expression on her face, but the eyes didn't lie. "Excuse me asking, but are you alright?" Her voice was soft, almost expecting to be scolded for asking.

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