Taking Stock

+3 OOC: Sorry for the delay

Shawchert chuckled making no move to let her hand go, he knew she was a bit eccentric, but he liked that about her, it made her… interesting, wild, he doubted he could tame such a wolf. He obviously didn’t want to though. He liked the fire in her eyes as she teased him. He scanned the area at her comment. The rest of the area may have been opened but that didn’t mean any of them could not have been a library or book store could it? He wasn’t going to say anything just nodded, if he were to find one he’d be sure to let her know but it seemed she wanted him on this hunt right this second.

He walked making sure to go slowly, in case one of those open doors did have shelves of books in it and Orin would need to see. It seemed she caught a jewel as the small wolf seemed to pull the larger one’s arm out of socket as she stopped suddenly. He turned his head as she spoke, and looked at the shop she was pointing at, a smile creased his face.

it’s possible that this could have been overlooked.

She didn’t have to yank him as she moved, he was willing to walk anywhere at the moment, they made it to the house… well shop really, in no time flat. He used his free hand to easily pull the vines from the front door, but he made no other movement, obviously Orin wanted to be the first to enter. He’d let her have that privilege all to herself, he would be there as her support. The vines were clear now and all she had to do was cross the threshold, to discover what no other wolf had. To see what would undoubtedly be in this building, and hope it was what she was looking for, though he didn’t mind spending time with her, she was quite the adventurous type after all, but he didn’t want to try to find something that would take them hours just to find.

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