Just another lost Soul

Lilac eyes turned bright and round with surprise as he opened the door to investigate what hid behind his front door. Hackles rose instinctually as urgency found his form and made him move to the side, gesticulating soundlessly for the shadow furred man to enter his home. ”Couch.” Lavender shortly focused on the unconscious shape cradled in Saluce’s arms. An alien being amongst the heavy population of wolves. Her blood seemed to be heavily mixed; for her features and markings were most unusual. Such details did not inspire even the slightest hint of disapproval, for Dahlia de Mai had changed for the better in those ways. Racism was something to be frowned upon, and did not exist in the caramel hued leader.

”Tell me what happened,” the male spoke sternly, voice calm despite the situation that had invaded his quiet day. Face turned to stare at the stairs leading the way up to the attic where his medicine bag was located, but first he’d stay and listen to the explanation. The alpha already had an idea of the situation merely judging the female’s undernourished appearance. Conor had to wonder how far the darker hued man had carried the lifeless woman.

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