Tell me a Story

ooc: I just had a brain fart. Sorry, this sucks.

Time Goes Faster

Nothing the awkward look in Xeris' eyes Tala blinked, she didn't just show respect to those in higher ranks, but to those who had been here longer than she, as well as those who deserved it. Xeris fit that profile. Tala was pleased that the white female had agreed to walk. Getting to know the land both before and after the snow settled were important to her. Being able to talk to Xeris and get to know her a bit, that was just as important to her as her duties.

Tala followed just a few paces behind Xeris, letting her lead the way through the woods. The snow fall was far less concentrated under the trees as the branches caught most of the snow in their grasp. Tala had yet to reach this part of Phoenix Valley, though it was rather close still in location to her new cabin. It was so calm in these lands, it seemed that only the fauna and flora made their noises. The trees would occasionally moan under old age and wind, brush would rustle. They were all soothing noises to the ears of this young female. "I understand what you mean. I didn't get to the point where I wasn't accepted however, I got to the point where it was life or death." Her father had been a prime example. Her mother had made sure that same fate would not fall upon their daughter. He deserved that much. Tala looked ahead to the white female as she spoke of love, friendship and happiness. She envied her for that. To have those things, Tala felt as if she could only truly achieve them in her dreams. She had met many new faces, but Tala was unsure yet if she could actually call any of them a friend yet. More like acquaintances... and that thought that somewhat depressing. "I can only hope to find that one day too." She was happy, she had that one. But Love and Friendship. Friendship would have to be worked on. Love was something she'd imagine herself finding. That look of somewhat happiness on Xeris' face made Tala smile softly in her direction. If this had gotten her mind off of those memories and events, then she was content.

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