common side effects include

Herpderp. These will get better. :3

It had grown cold as of late. So cold, in fact, that the night prior had seen snow flurries, though none had stayed long enough to be seen in the morning. Clover’s room was dreadfully cold, though she had wrapped herself in her familiar purple tapestry to try and contain some of her body heat. She had noticed that a few of the other members had begun to start fires in the crumbling fire place at night, and it was often now that the young coyote would wander into the main rooms of the mansion and enjoy the crackling heat the flames threw.

Thankfully, the frost had melted under the rising sun’s heat and the temperature wasn’t so unbearable today. Clover had made her way out of the mansion, and over to the greenhouse where much of her time was seemingly spent nowadays. Ever since she had joined, and offered Kaena one of her most favorite things in the world, Clover had painstakingly made sure that all of her plants were moved from her shack and over into the coyote’s territory. Some had, unfortunately, not survived the transplanting, but many of Clover’s efforts were still growing strong. Not only had the cannabis fared well, but many of the herbs and other medicinal plants had survived as well. With the winter fast approaching, it was crucial to make sure preparations were taken in order to keep the clan’s stock going strong.

Though she had been taught about many of the plants in Juniper Peace, the young Lykoi still very often consulted her botany books. Her guide was cracked open to a page that had been dog-eared, and Clover was bent over the pages searching for information on one of the herbs growing healthily amongst those transferred from her garden. She hadn't ever used Valerian before, and was curious to see what would be the best way to store it. Her efforts would be futile if the plants died away in the cold days of winter, so it was best to solve these issues now.

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