Questioned footsteps

wheee ^_^


Magnolia had just woken up from a nap in the frosted afternoon, lazily stretched out on the porch of her mother’s home. She had been desperately trying to stop napping in the middle of the day as she was too big for them now, but the day had been boring and there was nothing left to do. She was always looking for something to do! Poppy and Foxglove were always off doing their own thing, or were simply uninterested in going on adventures with her. Momma was always busy too... It never made any sense. No one ever liked having fun. Saul was a fun playmate, but he was older and probably didn’t want to play with her all the time. What about her dad? It was then when she saw him.

He was off in the distance – he wasn’t around much, but she could always recognize him from afar. The girl, moments ago in a post-nap stupor, suddenly jumped up and flew off the porch, breaking out into a run. Her little legs took her as fast as they could carry her, doing their best to avoid the underbrush and fallen twigs. The silver Magnolia girl started to pant heavily but kept on running. The little girl soon got close enough to her father, and tried to stop running so fast. However, inertia was not on the girl’s side as she kept on tumbling despite her desire to stop, and ended up right by her father’s feet. “Daddy! What are you doing here?” She yelled excitedly, without question as to why he wasn’t around in the first place – it was just the best surprise to have him here anyway.

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Table by fae! <3

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