the new jerusalem
He'd been there for a while, which she supposed was a good thing. Maybe she'd learn a thing or two about the area before she wandered back to find her grandmother. Aside from that, it also meant that he hadn't had to go through the fire. "I used to live in a large house on the beach when I was a little girl." She commented, a slightly pained smile following. Those days were supposed to have been the best days of her life but, instead, she'd used them to run around in some frantic search for her adoptive 'father' instead of simply living her life. Sometimes she could still remember the look of horror in her mother's eyes as she watched over her. Even now, she didn't understand it was because she had the eyes of her rapist father.

"Not from this exact area, no." She turned some then, pointing off toward the mountain that separated these lands from what was once Bleeding Souls. "I lived in the lands just beyond that mountain when I was younger but I went off on my own for a while. I was coming through here to return home but when I reached the top of the mountain the whole place was on fire." She didn't know what started it or who all had made it out, just that she'd watched her childhood home burn to the ground. "The house on the beach was there but I'm certain that's gone now."


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