be what you are
[html] no-repeat; height: 132px;" align="center" valign="bottom"> repeat-y; width: 400px; font: 11px georgia, sans-serif; color: #000; padding-right: 30px; padding-left: 40px; padding-bottom: 30px; text-align: justify;">


Maintaining vigilance. Of course, her father was a guard if ever there was one for their family.

I's w'tchin' too, da. She nodded strongly and turned to look in the direction where Gabriel's gaze went, determined to be as patient and as cautious as her father. She didn't care much to do more than that. What was life if there wasn't to be downtime sometimes?

And her brother was the more rambunctious of the pair, for sure. Ezekiel would be one for adventures, and Talitha would be the brunt force that opposed all who sought to harm her family. She would be likened to their shield, but not a judge, for she was too sweet and too kind for such things as that.

This supposing that life's curve simply remained uniform, and didn't move elsewhere with its twisted designs. But none of that was relevant at the moment to the two month-old youngster.

What was relevant was watching like her father, watching the horizon for dangers that might threaten them, in case they came forth. repeat-y; width: 400px; font: 11px georgia, sans-serif; color: #000; padding-right: 30px; padding-left: 40px;" valign=middle>


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