The Fields Have Turned Brown


Haven's first bitter remark caused the Marino's eyes to narrow and he had to stop himself from spouting off whatever defensive little retort his mind could come up with first. But he held his tongue and let the young man continue on; he may have fallen into an increasingly foul mood, but he wasn't going to let himself rudely interrupt now. It would be petty and clearly there were more important things to be discussed at the moment. He was eager to hear what the Aatte man had to say and get this encounter over with. He wasn't quite prepared for this news, however.

Ehno's eyes widened and he froze out of shock, staring at the Knight, unable to believe what he'd just heard. That couldn't be right. That couldn't have happened to Rio. But there it was again, that terrible word--followed swiftly by another verbal blow that had him reeling. She had been hurt so terribly by her own brother? "No, no," he mumbled, as if his very denial would make the words untrue. "No. That can't be." He couldn't believe that his son could do such a thing. Not the Harlowe he knew, the quiet and watchful boy he remembered raising as a pup. It was impossible.

The Dreamer was left speechless for a moment, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions all fighting to be first expressed. The image of a damaged Rio that Haven's words had painted was haunting. He wanted to dismiss it all as a lie, but from what he knew of Haven, he could never play such a cruel joke on another. Being denied the possibility of this being untrue, anger began to take the reins of Ehno's thoughts. He was angry at Haven for bringing such terrible news, angry at the mere notion of his son becoming such a monster and doing such a thing, and angry at himself for not being there to prevent this from happening. Some protector he was turning out to be.

Unfortunately for Haven, he was the easiest of the catalysts for Ehno to confront right now. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hardly noticed the snarl begin to make its way to his features. "Why would he do that? How could he--" he shook his head and exhaled in exasperation. As he turned his gaze back to the Miracles wolf, another thought struck him. "How do you even know it had been Harlowe?" he asked, anger twisting his words into those of suspicion. It was a terrible enough situation with Rio being wronged in such a way and taking off on her own. It was only made ten times worse for her with Harlowe being revealed as the perpetrator. Ehno would scramble for any possibility of making this seem less severe until he ran out of options and was finally forced to face the awful truth.

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