the new jerusalem

Jenkai was rather surprised at how quickly those from the burning lands had advanced over the mountain to encompass the area around here. Sure, he usually didn’t travel too far away from Halifax and the peninsula, but he was well aware that few wolves lived this side of Halcyon. And now, there was not only other weres, but a clan of coyotes as well?

The topic of her family seemed to cause a bit of discomfort, so he figured he’d avoid discussing it any further. Instead he zeroed in on this coyote clan. "Coyotes, aye? Well, I suppose I’ll be alright as long as they decide to leave the city and this shore alone. Have they always been like that – disliking of wolves I mean?" He couldn’t see why they had a reason to hold such a grudge.

"Oh, forgive me. I've forgotten to introduce myself." He offered a thin smile, before motioning a hand towards his own chest. "The name is Jenkai Miles."


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