be what you are

indent Children often became icons in their own way. Molochai had been mother’s son with Corona at his side, Baneesh too headstrong to see danger coming, Ithaka too bold, Rikka and Vitium and Conway all muddled versions of one another (though Conway was the second to break away and Gabriel supposed that was how it was meant to be). It was Gabriel, though, who had been cast out. This was not the doing of his family, no, but a madman with a crooked smile and wild eyes. Now he was a product of the wild and the Lord. He carried his mother’s eyes and his father’s build but it was heaven’s wrath he brought down on the world.
indent Smiling faintly, Gabriel turned his eyes back out to the tree-line below them. Eventually he would have to move beyond it and strike a cold terror into the heart of his enemies. They, the wolves, they were all his enemies. Gabriel believed that above all else because experience taught him this was true.


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