Anthem of the Angels

OOC: that was considerably better Smile and my previous post I mention mentors, if you want to learn to write better or need any help at all you can head on over there, and a mentor can help you out with any posts or questions or anything about souls in general Smile and Welcome to CdA and Souls <3

He stayed slow paced as she got her bearings and they moved, it seemed the wind was catching her in a bad sort of way, and he felt bad but the Hunting Lodge was close. Once she introduced herself, Shaw swore at himself, he always asked other’s their names but it seemed he’d been concerned for the wolf that he forgot introductions, and he felt extremely rude.

My apologies I am so rude, my name is Shawchert,

Shawchert said, they made it to the small clearing where many of the wolves in his pack had found the hunting lodge, it was now where they stored their winters meat, though it was not much of anything at the moment but enough to keep their small pack from going entirely hungry.

Come, it’s much warmer inside.

Shaw said as he stepped up onto the porch of the building, and opened the door for the weaker animal, he was glad they were able to save some of the furniture. That way she could lay down as he got her some food.

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