Remember the Footsteps
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Had Jazper been an uneducated wolf, one of those wolves that retained more than just the majority of their protective animal instincts, the grayish wolfess that had just crept into his room would have been dog chow. Lucky for them both the wolves of Crimson Dreams were very docile for the most part, at least until threatened. Smiling kindly the three year old warrior took in the girls name. “We'll that certainly is a fittin' name for the winter.” He joked lightly. The girl couldn't be much older than Aro, maybe by only a few months tops.

Chuckling softly at her own joke he nodded in agreement, “Ya they certainly are tiny at this age. Easy to tell that the boys are going to be as big as myself one day.” Tony and Lorenzo were vividly bigger than little Fia. Hopefully the little girl wouldn't end up in the shadow of her three big brothers. Leaning down he gently stroked each of his newborns to reassure them. “I've got a son and daughter about your age, Aro and Sophia. I'm sure you'll run into them eventually though neither of them are one for staying at home very long.” Standing up he looked to the wolfess with a soft smile, “They have their mothers wandering spirit. I on the other hand have lived right in this room since I was a little boy.”

Walking over the the corner of his room he placed the violin on a stand so he could properly talk to the newcomer without the distraction. Glancing back he noticed her fidgeting with a guitar and trying to compare it to his own instrument. Obviously she was a curious young adult trying to find her way into a bard position perhaps. Although Jazper was a very large fan of music and an avid collector of human instruments he had never even considered taking on an official role as a musician. “It's called a violin. Its one of the many sting instruments the humans made, much like your guitar there.” He explained pointing tot he guitar as he sat down beside his squirming children. “I prefer the sound of the violin over guitars personally.”


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