[m] - blackbird singing in the dead of night

table © Mel
wc: 300+

She could tell he was following, even without catching the gleam of striking amber eyes as they followed her movement. She'd known the male would not leave her. There was a strange hunger in her blood, and Gabriel's presence was feeding it; the slender woman suspected that her appearance must have a similar reaction for him. Perhaps, she wanted it to.

His words meant nothing. This land was owned by none, but her presence was alien here, as though her body was contrived by moonlight and blood-red hair alone, and not tangible to the dark earth. She continued to walk, waiting for his rough voice to prickle her skin once more.

Gabriel did not disappoint, but more, he surprised her. Not for the bluntness, but for the realization. "Yes," She paused, poised for movement; flight or fight. Ringlets swayed in the cool breeze as fever-bright emerald eyes returned to the dark prince, now king, once more. "But I don't know how to get it out." Her expression became vulnerable, slightly scared by the words, before twisting suddenly to something darker. Alaine was confused. "And... I don't know if I want to." She stood still now, watching him, and the flesh on her bones shivered with sudden expectation. Her mineral eyes shone as his did, noticing everything, missing nothing. "Why do you resist it?"

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