Bumpy Rocks

The wolf had been quiet and Niro wasn’t sure what was going on. But it seemed that the fox was talking to the birds again. He could feel Marahute shift on him as she spoke herself, to him it was all gibberish but he was sure the fox knew. It is the only life I know… but he treats us well, we eat, that’s what matters Marahute spoke happily to the fox, though it was Tobias who was much more skeptical…All of you fourleggers are nothing but trouble. He moved his wings and took off. Niro knew the bird wouldn’t go too far but it seemed that the hawk was not happy with the situation, then he heard Seyonne tell him what he’d done, and Niro felt a wretch in his heart, had Tobias not been happy?

I’m a bit afraid about what they say… but they are almost as free as us…

He trailed off now feeling like a jailer, he was a wolf, who was using the birds without their permission… though he knew that Marahute hatched with him… she’d much more freedom than the hawk though. He was scared of the answer the fox had gotten.

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