cast no shadow

ooc;; <33

Saul Stormbringer

Cinnamon backed ears that had previoulsy lain flat on his head now perked as the tri coloured male spoke about Skye. It was quite obvious that he would have known her- they shared the same pack scent. Thinking on it however, Saul knew there were at least four people in Dahlia he had never met. He had heard of Lolita's sister Pippa but had never met her. There was Legacy he hadn't spoken to and he had heard about Conor's cousin Vesle. That was three at least. Still, Cercatori D'Arte was a relatively new pack and Saul expected that he would know her. It made Saul smile however to think that Skye had actually made something of herself- he assumed that by Right hand the male meant his beta. He smiled softly at the tri-coloured male, tail flickering softly behind him.

"I'm glad for her"

He offered by way of congratulations to the pale female. Perhaps that was what she was doing today- sorting out something within her pack. Saul was perfectly fine with that and he would have to wait for her to teach him some more. Ears perked as the tri-coloured male gave his name. He had heard about this one from Skye. He remembered the name. A soft nod was given in recognition of the name. It seems he had been correct when Shawchert reaffirmed that Skye was his co leader. She had done well for herself since the first time Saul had met her. He was pleased her her.

"Skye told me about you. Its nice to meet you at last! Go ahead sir, your welcome to sit"

He offered. Green eyes were about to turn back to staring in to space when the tri-coloured male pulled out a hunk of wood. He wondered what the male was doing with it. It looked like it was making the shape of something but Saul had never seen anything like it before. What was Shawchert doing with a hunk of wood. He was going to ask, but he held his tongue, waiting for the male to take a seat before he asked him any question.

word count;; 357


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