you think you're in control
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------Whoever she was, she didn't seem confrontational. She was not defiant and seemed to have reasonable questions, and Anselm relaxed a bit, slowly growing less annoyed. The prospect of interacting still failed to delight him, but at least he wasn't being hounded with idiodic remarks or dealing with an asshole (poor her, on the other hand...). "I guess so," he said with a shrug. "There was a fire somewhere outside of this immediate area. Nearly all of the residents who did not perish have been moving in here," he remarked, at least somewhat surprised she had not been apart of that. The whole region had been largely uninhabited for some time, and that was the reason that he had moved here to begin with.
------That left open some other questions--namely where she had come from, then, but he didn't care enough to ask. As long as there weren't hoardes of others trailing behind her for some damned reason, she'd probably have little impact on the ecosystem or social structure of the area. He certainly couldn't imagine that massive disasters would strike two places at the same time, or that all of the victims would wind up in his home. Such a situation would defy logic. He still failed to understand how an epic fire had sprung up in the beginning of spring, when there hadn't even been a dry spell. Little did he know, but his cousin was directly behind the mess. Perhaps some things were best left a mystery.


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