Touch of Death


Paws of cream adorned with dark gray claws dug into soft soil as they once had so long ago. Yet the beast did not adore the feeling of this world’s soil beneath his worn pads. The scenery had changed; had moved on into another season without his presence. Haku Soul had never doubted that the world would move along without him, for time waited for no one, not even gods. Trapped within mortal flesh and bone, he was bound by the rules of physics. Once he had been glorious, leaving a trail of deep maroon wherever he went. His time would rise again, but no longer as the wolf known for his affection for misery and despair. But he was still here, still breathing the same air, though it was hollow, so hollow.

And he was not alone. Not anymore.

A cluster of boulders and traitor colours of life in a dying world. There was a gentle chill in the air; it had to be close to winter. Jaws parted as the beast moved, attempting to adjust for use once again. Mist lay thick in his mind; obscuring thoughts and knowledge of what could only be the past. The long lasting taste of dusted blood remained with him, but he knew that death had come for him, finally. Reincarnation would eventually come, but not to this place. Not to him. Not now. Not yet.

There was a child above him, and if he should have recognized it, he did not. His world was darkness without light, and he could not perceive the world as he once had. The monster’s core was as hollow as it had been before its death, and only nightmares remained, bottled up within the body of Haku Soul.

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Table by Mel!


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