Tis the Season

He had been contemplating to re-build his hut. It was full of holes and in some places you could see right through the wall if you looked from the right angle. It wasn't very comfy and it didn't have room for guests. Despite his daughters' absence, he knew in his heart that they would return, even if that might be very optimistic. They both had gone back to the Great Tribe, and he had not heard from them since. Perhaps they had settled there, with mates? He was curious, and would know as soon as he sent a messenger over to inquire about the new Chief. A little detour to check on his daughters shouldn't be a problem. Thoughts like these, mainly regarding others, and particularly the individuals he missed in life, were always spinning around in his head lately. He would patrol the borders and gather firewood, but would more often than anything come to see certain faces in his mind as he performed his chores. Gvihita strayed from him at great distances as well, without explanation, but then again that bird never did have to explain herself to him. He respected her too much, but he wondered if she couldn't feel his need for familiar faces. Luckily, there was Nayati. If not, his winter would have been a lot darker, undoubtedly.

Walking deep in thought, the Chief sought to drop off proper firewood and a packet of tobacco in the town hall, but a silhouette in the glow from the Great Fire made him change directions, his things still in his arms. "Sanuye," he said. It was the second time he had found her here, and he was glad to see that she was so dedicated to her chores. He didn't doubt for a second that she would rise in her ranks rather rapidly. "What are you up to?" He smiled with a kind face. She smelled familiar, like a remnant of the Great Tribe would.

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