Set my soul free like a ship sailing on the sea
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edit: oh crap. I did that thing again where I go to edit my last post to nab the coding...and then I clicked "edit post" instead of taking the coding and changing it then reposting it. Really sorry >< >< ><

She'd never had the chance to be a leader before this. It was strange, how the fire had taken everything away...but left her with this new, interesting life. In Clouded Tears she had been busy most of the day, with making medicines and treating animals, and here she was busy, too, but with other things. She and Conri had been over the border a couple of times now, to ward away any would-be tresspassers from their newly claimed land. She didn't enjoy fighting at all, but if it came to that she would rise to protect the pack and the pups.

Naniko had learned the art of firestarting from her father Physe Revlis, and could make one using two fire-rocks, but she hadn't started a fire since the lands had burned down. Now she was more afraid than ever that something might happen, that she might slip up and burn the entire packlands down. It was frightening to think about how all of their lands had gone up in flames so very quickly.

A squeak from the den behind her made her look back worriedly; it seemed that the little ones were waking up. Or, at least one of them. Naniko was very protective of all of them, and she didn't want to leave Apollo out there alone, with only Parker...but they were pack members now. Family. The trust would have to start somewhere."Be very gentle. Their bones are still developing, and can break easily"

With that the Andromeda turned, slipping back into the den for a moment. She returned a few minutes later with another ball of fuzz, this one a dark orange. "They're quite interesting. When I was younger I helped to raise my little brother. It didn't come naturally, but it takes time to learn, as with all things"

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