This love is only gonna break your heart
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Soon the fish stopped moving, and she was able to put her foot back on solid ground. She really did enjoy the taste of fish, and they hadn't had it most of the winter because the lake had been frozen over. Digging a hole in the ice had been a really difficult task, and Naniko hadn't felt up to it after being bitten by the badger. Her arm had hurt a lot. Even now the scar was still there, showing pink through the white fur of her leg.

That thought made her wonder about Kansas, whether he had made it through the fire. She really hoped that he had...she would definitely miss him if he wasn't around. Along with Dierdre, she would check all of the local packs to make sure that he wasn't there.

"I'm glad you're here, too. I don't have too many friends...not really close ones, anyway. And all of these pups...well, that'll mean a bigger future for all of us. The more pups, the better, stronger the pack will become."

She wasn't sure how to answer the next question. She didn't like thinking about the fire, thinking about everything that had happened...but Deuce and Lucifer had a right to know. They were the girl's family, after all. "I found her in Jaded Shadows, trying to escape, but it was obvious that she was in bad shape. I carried her a ways...but I could barely breathe because of the smoke. We had to stop after we got about a mile away...and that's when I realized that she was in labor. She had these two, and two more that were born dead. Another male and a female. She told me to go and look for a safe way out, that she could follow me with the pups, so I left for maybe...fifteen minutes to look. I found a way to safety, but when I came back she was gone. Only Apollo and Sirius were there. I looked and looked, but the fires were I took those two and ran."

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