The sea knows my name
OOC: No worries lol I have two very pretty tables, I just want to get my post up WC: 300+

The snow was wet and cold and it was between his toe, he didn’t like the feeling of the snow, but add in the rough gritty texture of the sand it really didn’t feel good under Noah’s feet. It wasn’t that he has never stood for long periods of times, there were just some feelings that he didn’t find pleasant and this just wasn’t one of those feelings. The male shifted side to side as he watched her, she didn’t seem upset to the male that he didn’t say anything right of the bat, Noah wasn’t rude, really that wasn’t him. Noah just hated to talk more than anything else; he would take a repeating the last year of his life over and over again if he could get away without talking. Smiling as she gracefully dipped her head, as the male stretched out a paw in front of him and tucked the other one as he kneed down upon the tucked leg. Bowing down to her, he closed his eyes lowering his head, fully bowing to the lady in front of him. Standing back up he made sure to keep his head lower then hers after all his mother would surely come from where ever she was at and skin his hide if he didn’t show manners and respect to a lady and a higher ranked pack member.
The male pushed his nose down into the snow melting it around his paws, hoping to make more of a cold wet mud then this snow upon sand junk. There was a small hope right?
Lifting his head up looking at her with his sapphire blue eye he offered up a soft look in his eye and a smile, as he dipped his head, to the female as he slowly saying his name, in hopes that he wouldn’t stutter over his name. "Nah..Noah! The Sawtooth finished saying his first name in hopes he would stumble over his name any more then what he just had.

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