funeral, swords & souls

Voron jogged at a steady pace, not really in a hurry to get anywhere. She was enjoying the easy flexing of her thigh muscles, and the feeling of freedom that came whenever she ran. She knew that she could easily get enough exercise in pack terratory, but she missed the fun of exploring, of never knowing what's around the next corner. She was in her Optime form, something she rarely did without reason, but she was in a good mood today, and felt like seeing the world from a somewhat taller perspective. Her rat, Moon, was perched on her shoulder and easily kept hold on the wolf's thick black pelt.

Voron slowed to a walk, panting slightly. She had seen a few wolves riding horses, and was curious what that was like. It seemed strange to her; to have a prey-beast underneath you, to be completely enveloped in it's heavy scent and feel it's warm body under your hands. It seemed strangely appealing, and she had a sudden absurd vision of herself perched upon a great dark horse's back with her hair flying in the winds. Maybe she would look into obtaining one of the beasts. It would certainly make traveling in two-legged form much easier.

The black wolf looked around her, realizing she was in a small valley. It seemed pleaant enough, if somewhat dominated by the mountain. Silently cursing herself for not thinking to bring food, she looked around for anything that might hint at prey. She saw nothing that was jumping around and begging to be devoured, and knew that it didn't matter anyways since she failed epically whenever she tried to hunt in Optime form.

An unexpected noise caught her attention suddenly... it sounded like music. Curious, Voron searched for the source. It seemed to be coming from a cave leading into the mountain. The entrance didn't look natural, so she wondered if someone lived there. Her brown eyes glanced around nervously, worried that she had intruded upon someone's terratory. She approached the cave quietly, tense and ready for what might await.

"Hello?" she asked as she peered into the darkness. She could make out a shape holding some sort of instrument seated on the floor.


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