Tell me a Story
That works for me. Tala got to know the lands better and made herself a friend. xD

Tala watched the waves dance against the frozen beach with wondrous eyes, being here.... it made her wish that there was a cabin right here in the sand. She would most definitely try to claim it, if it was possible. Though, that thought was silly to her, it was inconvenient on so many levels. Though the sound and serenity of the beach soothed her like a pup to their mothers warmth. Tala could tell that deep down, Xeris shared the curiosity she did and she also shared the will to keep it bottled up until a further date. They shared that like family.

Tala let her head dip in a respectful thanks even though Xeris had already accepted the words. The gesture to Tala meant just as much as the words. If the two did not walk hand in hand they were almost worthless to her. "Thank you very much for the offer, and I'd love to come visit, meet your mate and your family.... it would be fun. Of course I would not wish to intrude." Tala let her head curl into a smile and she watched Xeris with friendly amber orbs. She was glad she had gotten to walk with her, and learn from the elder wolfess. The sun was beginning to fade on the scene, and Tala was starting to feel the need to return to her cabin and rest for the night. It was been a wonderful day, and she was content in ending it here. "It was wonderful to meet you Xeris, and I'll hopefulyl run into you again soon. My cabin is near the mouth of the woods in the East, feel free to stop by if you ever feel the need." She meant that offer. Having someone visit her for a change would be a strange sight for the wolfess. Strange, but wonderful.


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