Daughter of Fortune

table © Alaine
ooc: )< Blargh the interwebs around here, and double blargh finals.


The deafening lack of sound preceded over their conversation, awkwardly noting its placement in their speech and making Sylvie feel nervous. Silence had once meant she was in grave trouble, and soon to be beaten for some invisible transgression attached to her work for that day. The lilac and white fae knew now that this was not always the case- but it tended to be difficult for her to tell the difference between the pair. Sylvie looked down upon the plate, left forgotten for the time being.

Orchid-kissed gems trailed from the lonely plate of food to the once proud valkyrie's face, tracing the curve of tenative smile, shrinking away from the shadows of those venomous green depths. It seemed that her foster mother was remembering something, deciding if this memory was fit to be shared without further splintering the delicate, ancient boughs of her heart. Despite the new growth over the old, it seemed that even the strongest tree couldn't hold up to every storm thrown its way.

Finally creaking shea's maw opened to form words, heralded by mild smiles of understanding anew while Sylvie sat stoic, having known these things all along. Alaine had been left completely alone, lost to the contacts of her children for longer than she once thought, and her poisoned words did little to comfort that stabbing reality. Even mention of this Daisuke threw little light upon the mushroom of ivory and mocha. Alaine's obvious joy, though fleeting, spoke volumes about this fellow, and that was enough for Sylvie... but where was this man now? What good was he if he did the same thing she and Caillen had? Vibrant purple gems narrowed a moment at this revelation.

At least he was in contact with her.

But then came the worst bit of info yet. Pregnant! A joy for many, but a burden for Alaine... it was obvious from her reaction, the crystalline lobes of liquid sliding down the ivory and cream shea's cheeks, the whisper of her voice. She thought she would be happy again... but it seemed, this joy was unbidden, lost to the slim older collie's womb or dying soon after birth. Either way, Alaine's reaction and the lack of light-footed paws upon the wooden floors of the Hotel were enough to clue Sylvie into the grim reality.

Again, the deafening silence took hold, choking the air with its no longer awkward, but painful grasp over their heads. Sylvie sympathized, oh she sympathized, though she did not have a child of her own. The pain of such a loss was unfathomable for the young adult, something she could never truly grasp until it happened to her... but nonetheless, Sylvie was determined to try. Just as her heart tore and trembled, shattered and grew in the presence of Alaine's true son, Sylvie was sure Alaine had felt the same way when her whelps- how many had there been? -were lost to the goddess of death.

A weight settled against Sylvie's slim arm, accompanied by the trembling of her foster-mother's form. Sylvie knew not what to do. How did one console a broken woman when social interactions like these had been attached to bodily harm for so long? Unsure, and yet sure, Sylvie draped her arm across her mother's shoulders, allowing ivory maw to fall where it may across silky body, patting alabaster hands with a matching dove. "Oh Alaine..." She said, for the moment the stronger of the two. "I feel for you, I do... but do you think this is how those little ones would want their momma to be feeling?"

She knew such a comment was risky, but if anyone could relate to such a question, it would be Alaine. Even with Caillen, she had had to conform to fit the child's dreamy nature, to keep him from worrying. These children, though gone from the physical plane, were no different. Sylvie was no different. "Don't fret so much... Mourning for so long is unhealthy." She should know. How long was she mourning her mother's abandonment? "Do you think, that though they are no longer with us, that they are similarly unhappy?" Another tactic Sylvie herself wasn't sure of. This required dreaming, the idea that spirituality was true... something Sylvie, firmly planted in the mud, did not grasp very well.

But still she would try. "I don't think anyone can be happy knowing that someone they love is unhappy..." This at least, was something Sylvie knew all too well. She had never truly been happy, always knowing in the back of her mind that Caillen wasn't truly happy after her leave, and Alaine worrying herself sick. She had caused a lot of heartache in her lifetime, and didn't grasp any of it until now.

Rather sad.

Speak think walk


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