If I wanted silence; I'd whisper.

"It’s over. You did it." The rabbit lay there with his neck snapped and sticky crimson liquid seeping from its ripping skin. Who had really done the killing was debatable but the end result was the same. The freshest of meat in exchange for the soul of another creature. With the rush of the hunt over Nayru eyed Range carefully, saying nothing more for a long moment. Nayru had seen the hesitation, she had seen in Range the wish to turn away, but like herself under Larkspur’s gaze there had been no choice for the child but to follow through. Before Nayru had killed for herself she had struggle with the concept, the mere thought churning her stomach. Now that she had the idea excited her, enticed her. The transformation had been almost automatic. Would it be similar in Range?

"How do you feel kiddo?" Nayru’s voice was warm, kind and gentle again. The voice of an angel, and it was almost unthinkable that anything awful could come from her lips. Like the command to kill. Yet that was there way, it had to be, they were predators, surviving and thriving on the blood of others. But with Range it was all sugar, she couldn’t dream of the boy hurting, and if the hunt had been in any way damaging to him… "You want to take this to Gideon and Melee? Show them what you caught?"


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