wickedly beautiful

ooc: Azalea makes me think of Azula from The Last Airbender. totally awesome <3
wc: 300+

It had been a while since she'd left the rather gruesome line of skulls that marked the border of her new home behind. China reflected on them as she walked, her strikingly attractive face screwed up rather unflatteringly at the concept of such bloodshed and gore. They really weren't making a peaceful impression on the rest of the Earth Mother's darling children, even those of whom had lost the way of Peace and Love and become wolves. Perhaps if she asked their Alpha, Gabriel, he might consider taking them down and putting up something a little more... Inviting. Flowery wreaths perhaps.

Allowing the thought to take form, the slim 'yote girl wandered relatively aimlessly, allowing her feet to choose a path at random. Her keen sense of smell would always lead her back home, but for now she was in a slight state of energy-fueled boredom. Her fingers itches for a joint, but without her sisters to provide, China's cravings would have to wait.

After a while, she noted an unfamiliar scent. It was strongly feminine, and somewhat alluring. Curiosity piqued, the girl waltzed off in the direction of the smell. She fantasized about it's owner - Perhaps, another waylaid soul who cared to join Inferni?! No, no, that was a wolven scent. She would have to be careful, then, because even the lovechild knew that tensions remained high between her kind and the others. China may have been peaceful to fault, but she was in no way stupid, and the thought of confrontation was almost enough to have her abandon the trail. But her innate lust for adventure won out, and so it was that the forest nymph came across the wolfess.

She was seated beneath the sprawling limbs of a giant shady oak - A very inviting tree. Its spirit must be very old, and very wise. Deviant blue eyes, sparkling with hues of merry Lapis Lazuli, trailed over the girl those wise boughs sheltered. She was very pretty, China decided, even though she had an air of strictness about her. But she appeared to be drawing, and that was wonderful, because artistic talent signaled at a creative spirit. Her sister Sage could draw the most wonderful and fantastical things - Now China simply HAD to meet this girl!

"Say, love, whatcha drawin'?" Dreamy but excitable voice seemed to come from nowhere, as with the delightful soundlessness of her breed, China melted from out of the foliage to stand before the quite lovely ebony lady. Her hair looked so soft, her pelt so silky! Smiling prettily, the mottled silver, grey and tan hippie waited for her polite reply.

Speak think walk


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