The Fields Have Turned Brown


Ehno couldn't understand how this had come to be. It just didn't seem possible. Had he really missed so much in his children's lives that he couldn't have seen this coming? Clearly he had, if he had no recollections of any indication of the twisted turn his son had taken. The Marino could recall the last time he had seen his boy, walking with him to the Dreamer borders. Harlowe then had been much as he was a pup, simply bigger and more talkative. Ehno had not sensed any malicious coldness in the boy's actions nor in his olive eyes. Could he really have changed so much in these months to harm his dear, sweet sister in such a horrible way? He refused to believe it.

The Knight was quick to spit out a venomous comment about the boy and it coaxed out a low growl from the Marino. "Shut up." Thoughts of denial refused to allow Ehno to consider the absolute truth of the matter, as horrible as it was. He could only picture the quiet youth he had raised as a pup, and hearing him referred to as a sick bastard, however true remark may turn out to be, only added fuel to his anger. Hearing Haven's explanation of the accusation and seeing the sneer that accompanied it was just enough to push the Dreamer into succumbing to his anger.

He didn't care that the Aatte man had done no wrong in relaying this tragic event. Golden eyes could only see the cause of his anger standing there in front of him, could only sense the other's own building anger and hear the derision in his voice. He couldn't take this anymore. He wouldn't stand by and listen to the Knight's words any longer, regardless of whether they were true or not. Before he even realized it, he stepped forward and raised his fist to take a swing at the young man.

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