Light up the night
ooc;; raawr!

He was officially nine months old and if he were to be honest with himself he didnt feel any different. He didnt think he was any taller or wiser or more mature than he had been the day before. He did, however, think that he had progressed a lot since turning up on Dahlia's borders, emaciated and exhausted. He was bigger than he had ever been, his early morning runs making sure that it was pure muscles that had bulked him out. He was certainly much wiser than before- he had made it his personal plight to learn as much as he could. He had learnt to hunt properly, he'd found a teacher to teach him fighting skills, althought he hoped he never had to use them. Skye had taught him the basics at reading and even without her help he was progressing. He'd met Liliana a while ago and she'd taught him a little about riding a horse. And Shawchert had taught him to shape wood with a knife into retty things. He really was making something of himself.

He had spent most of his day scouting out areas to the north of Wolfville, close to Oberon's Spring. It had come to the males attention that, with Eclipse being born and Melee and Range wanting their own rooms it had become crowded in the victorian house. He imagined that Gideon was considering moving out as well but he hadnt spoken to his brother properly in a while. But he didnt want to move out and he had decided that he'd build his own cabin nearer the spring. Today had been a clearing mission and Saul had successfully cleared a large space of all grass and other debris that would get in his way. He didnt know the first thing about building a house but he was going to learn, that was for sure.

Tired body moved through the highstreet of Wolfville. He was in his optime form again and despite the young mans original distaste for the form he was beginning to see certain advantages. Clearing the way for his cabin today would have been disasterous in lupus form. Green eyes caught a light ahead and a confused expression caught him. It looked like a fire. For a moment a flash of worry crossed him before the scene came into focus. Two figures outlined by a small fire. One dark and one light. He smiled as he approached his brother and sister, taking in the banquet Gideon had prepared.

"You put my picnic to shame Gideon!"

He said with a soft smile. A kiss was given to his sister cheek, a soft lift to the creamy fur. He noticed the lily in his sisters hair and nodded towards it. Casting his eyes around the small feast he gave a low whistle and looked around. They were the only ones there it appeared, not even Melee and Range were with their father yet.

word count;; 493

"speech" "speech"

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