There's dog crap on my shoe! >:[

Word count 1040 - 10 points.

Ykesha’s mind turned slowly like a broth, thoughts bubbling up from the bottom of the cauldron to produce a reduced froth which coated the top of the watery mesh in a flavorful, promising, dish. If one had sampled this mixture which her mind had created, he would have described it as comfort food; somebody’s grandmother - obviously a gifted chef - must have spent years developing this recipe of trust and confidence. So when the fae finally set eyes on the stranger who had so spooked her, her white eyes, generally so void of emotion by their very colorless nature, were firm with acceptance and beamed like the grandmother who had crafted her thought-induced stew. The lad approached her with apology on his face and the woman’s ears in turn flicked back at her own embarrassment. She’d let herself be frightened by a child--no, she corrected herself, a man still grounded between adulthood and the innocence of youth. Ykesha forced a slim smile at him, her hand throbbing painfully under the weight of the fluid which raced from it. The blood had begun to pool delicately in her palm and as she held it up to the man’s outstretched hand she imagined the masterpieces of old portraying Eve offering a gift of red Sin to Adam. She was still curled across the floor, and he still stood feet away, yet the distance did nothing to flatten this image. If only this breathing building would roll violently into the form of a serpent, the image would be complete. Ykesha swallowed. How strange it feels to be in this place, she mused. The hair across the back of her neck had not settled, and like little lambs they alerted her to their discomfort by mewing loudly. If fur could talk rather than bristle, Ykesha’s entire body would be alive with sound.

She ignored this, focusing instead on the help offered. “That’s so kind of you,” she breathed, her voice quieted simply by the murderous presence of the darkness and the abandoned office space. “I’m so sorry to be trouble. And after just meeting you as well.” Her fingers parted so that the cut was exposed (glass still embedded, rose in color now by the tint of her blood) and the blood which she’d cupped like holy water in her hand slid down the length of her white wrist to drip silently from her elbow. The fae was inwardly disheveled by this - such filth upon her pure skin! - but kept a lucid expression as she studied the stranger’s face. He was young, but his confidence in stature suggested to her that he’d made a way for himself in life despite his youth. And his size! Ykesha was dwarfed by him. She pulled her gaze from his face, afraid her staring would cause him alarm, and instead, glanced around the hollowed skeletal remains of the urban tower. Her eyes had adjusted, and the scene which greeted them was more morbid than she’d originally pictured.

The walls were crusted in mold and decay; they looked melted, dripping, ill. Nearly every window had been knocked free of its pane and the splattered remnants of these lay like grey diamonds across the cracked marble floors. Papers littered the ground like fallen leaves, their surfaces belt and wilted under the stress of age. The pungent smell which hung thick as fog rolling over the upturned desks smelled of waste and urine. Ykesha’s nose wrinkled as she sensed it. The nauseous twist of her gut made the woman’s face pull from the dark room ahead of them and focus once more on the lad. She suddenly tucked her nose in as she’d recalled her rarely-practiced manners. Her lips parted as she eyed him appreciatively.

“I’m Ykesha, by the way. Thanks for--”

This was interrupted by a startling display from the stranger’s shoulders. Ykesha pulled her hand closer to her in sudden discomfort as a winged creature took flight like a fawn dashing from the sudden flare of headlights. She watched it with a bemused expression, her face following the beautiful animal until it disappeared from sight into the bowels of the building.

She could nearly hear the belly of the beast turn and growl with hunger at the sight of the approaching meal. Ykesha feared the walls themselves would come alive and bite into the bird’s proud breast. She was concerned, but felt little desire to chase the thing down--

--unless it was this stranger’s companion.

Ykesha’s expression hardened slightly, a firmness overtaking her usually gentle features so that she looked disgruntled and feral. He had offered to help her. She turned her face back towards him. “That wasn’t you bird, was it?” She dearly hoped it had simply followed him in, perhaps as curious about this space as he seemed to be. Ykesha’s curiosity, however, had long been slaked. She felt no desire to venture further into the throat of the monster who had already gripped her with solid teeth.

You’re up to you ankles, little Ykesha. Tread with caution, oh weary-white Lass.

Somewhere between the folds of upturned cubicles, the fabric of a lone creature’s universe had been disheveled. The brute, massive in size and oozing with unkempt breath, shifted slightly, disturbed from the overwhelming darkness by something that swam through the air like a fish through water. It sensed the smells had shifted; something pulled from the lower floors a scent which was not his own. The unclean beast rolled one yellow eye from his skull, its orange tint focusing in the lightlessness he’d become accustomed to. With groans of protest, the beast’s jaws parted stiffly, waves of rancid stench falling from his disgruntled jaws as saliva dripped from infected gums and pooled across his broad chest. He shifted from his sleeping position, ears flicking forward to better hear who had come into his vicinity. Playmates? Yes, surely. The monstrous pounds of muscle and bulk sat up, nose pointed to the air in thought. “How interesting,” his slimy voice cracked from disuse. “It appears I have some guests to entertain.” The man’s smile spread wide across his face. It was lopsided and unnatural.

Several floors below, Ykesha shivered from a sudden draft of cold.

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