[M] Stubborn

Oh gosh, I'd be too embarassed to write this in school 0///0

Pale yellow irises grew clouded when Strel's hands ghosted over his body, muscles held in check with his preoccupation of the words that broke the silence. By saying those words, he was giving Noss a lot of interpretation room, although his mind couldn't process beyond what would come within the next few minutes. Strel's smile and words of offer were too much an invitation, and Noss found himself lifting his arms to merely feel the wolf in front of him, to start. He let his large hands feel the redhead's shoulders and chest--pushing him back to give Noss better access--as he kept that eye contact. He wanted to know every reaction he could pull from the wolf; every word, every look, every movement. "I'll let you know when we get there," he mumbled into Strel's chest, letting his hands wander further south--purposefully avoidiing the area of most sensitivity--as he inhaled deep that natural scent. Arousal stirred deeper within him, altough he was thankful it wasn't embarassingly obvious as of yet.

Noss did not know how to be soft. He had never really slept with anyone he loved, although he had had his fair share of experiences. But being soft had never been required, so his approach was as rough as his demeanor...maybe. He licked and nipped at the other man's chest, wondering if it would elicit the predictable reactions, or if Strel would want something different. It was such a large guessing game, because this man was so unlike many Noss had met before. He gripped Strel's hips to keep himself steady, afraid that if he relaxed too much he would crush the other with his weight. How awkward would that be...?

Warrior walks. "Warrior talks." Warrior thinks.

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