creating something out of nothing

table © Alaine
ooc: honestly, it's not a problem to me at all. you give fair warning that you might not be able to post often, and that's respectable enough :3 besides, I love RPing with you, darlin' <3
awww, caillen, you should have baked her a cake! moron *swats him*

He was surprisingly nervous about her answer. It had been a long time since Caillen had had a friend - A real, good, actual friend. Not a smile-hello stranger, or any of the bizarre reflections of friendship that many people seemed to have. A real friend was much more difficult to find, but he could sense the potential for one within her, and was reluctant to let the idea of that friendship slip away from him. Besides, she had such pretty eyes, especially when she smiled, and he would have liked to see her smile again after tomorrow.

Their parting ways was inevitable - She had a father to find, and he had adventure to chase. But for now, he could pretend at least that they were real, actual friends.

His question seemed to make her sad, and Caillen instantly regretted the asking of it. But Clover answered in her pretty voice, and the oaf listened solemnly, nodding to her sentiments. Indecision was a cruel mistress, but he had faith that she would find her way. Her last words bloomed hope in his heart. Maybe he would see her again after all.

As the gilded rays of the dying sun blazed through the trees, they came to her quaint little dwelling. It instantly enchanted Caillen; Like a dollhouse, with her being the doll. He felt very tall, which made him slightly uncomfortable, but at the young Lykoi's words any signs of unease were wiped from his expression. A cheerfully lopsided grin donned his maw, revealing the wickedly large canines therein. "Yes, miss, o' course. I'll just take tae getting the firewood, then." His gaze met hers reassuringly, before the gentle giant handed over her tapestry, his large clawed hands holding the thing as though it were fragile as eggshells. That completed, Caillen shot the pretty golden-haloed girl a final charming smile, before heading back into the trees.

Giving her ample time to do within the shack as she saw fit, the slate wolfdog put his size to good use gathering large branches from the forest floor. If she'd an axe, he might have felled some of the pines for storage for her for winter, but instead Caillen broke the long and spindly pieces of wood into more manageable chunks by snapping them beneath his large footpaws. He made three trips into the dark trees as the sun sank lower, creating a rather impressive tumble of wood out in front of Clover's shack. The work loosened his lean muscles, and made the brute feel more at ease. With a final armful, the youth headed back to Clover, just as the sun's final rays flickered in the treetops.

Speak think walk


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