the truth we can't handle
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It was the first time he had shifted since his last day in the library before the fire. He carefully made his way up the decaying stone steps toward the door to a building not unlike the one that had burned to the ground in that this one too had hundreds of books inside. Another library, and implicitly his second home aside from the coast. He hadn't bothered trying to take any of the books he had been reading with him over the mountain as there had been no time, and no logic in risking his own life to do so. Having hoped that he would be able to find another library, he had finally succeeded after several trips of exploration.

As he stepped inside, he had his mind set to finding the books he had not been able to finish yet, but something stopped him from proceeding very far into the building. The scent of two other creatures lingering on the air instantly provoked him to tense his muscles. Two wolves. Though wary, he continued on to the shelves and gazed around for titles that were familiar, and those that seemed interesting. He remained silent, unwilling to draw attention to himself. The hairs on the back of his neck instinctively spring up at the idea of being alone with them, which he found to be a curious thing. Truthfully, he was simply paranoid of everyone.

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