cute don't mean nothing here.
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Jesile sat comfortably upon lithe haunches as the other male continued to rip into his otter, making it absolutely clear that he had no intention of stealing the kill. Even if he had wanted to, his agility would aid him surely, but the red-eyed male would be able to snap his neck rather easily in the attempt before he was ever able to snatch the carcass from under his nose. And then, if he wasn't killed, he would be chased, and if he wasn't caught, he would be caught later. A bit of food just wasn't worth the trouble when there was plenty of seafood lying around. Aside from this, Anselm was a member of Inferni, and despite that Jesile had not set foot anywhere near their territory (old or new) in what seemed like a very long time, he still felt a slight attachment to the clan himself. Had not become so over-analytical and paranoid, he might have returned.

The tone of voice the hybrid used caused a curious frown to crease his lips, though the tone was not without good reason. Being a coyote and not residing with Inferni seemed a rare circumstance, as even the Scot he had conversed with the previous month had seemed to think so, and he had been a wolf. You were usually either a traitor or you hadn't spent much time in the area. Jesile fell under neither of these categories as far as he was concerned, and yet the reason he was not with them now was beyond his own capabilities to explain. At least he was offering what he knew instead of outright assuming that Jesile was in some way a traitor which was something he would probably deserve by default.

The fact that he had not heard of anyone who was still missing was an instant relief. The missing mate of the Inferni leader would certainly not go unnoticed. Anselm's next question however took his relief and turned it into an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. No. I left before the fire in search of my father. It was quite simple, actually. The complicated bit came with the question of why he wasn't with the clan now.

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