a unified energy of infinite expression

God, I love them ^^ 300+

As she stood in the large common area of the mansion, she noticed from the corner of her eyes that there was no fire burning in the hearth. No wonder it was so horribly cold! After she found her mate she would make a point of finding some wood and start a nice big fire to help warm the large house up. Fire had used to scare her immensely. She remembered, with amusement, the time that she and Anu had gotten caught out in the Trenches during a storm and her friend had started a fire to dry them off and keep them warm. Savina had yelped with surprise when the sparks sprouted flames, her old instincts overtaking the sense that Anu would not do anything to put them in peril. While uncontrolled fire was still a danger, she had come to appreciate the use of the element, especially when it came to winter. The fireplace could not keep the whole house toasty warm, but it upped the temperature by a few degrees and every little bit helped.

Movement caught her ear and she turned her gaze from the empty fireplace to see Kansas coming towards her with a beautiful arrangement of dried flowers. Her heart skipped a beat and she could not help the warm smile that her lips formed. Even now after all this time, her mate could still surprise her with his random acts of kind thoughtfulness. Savina walked eagerly over to meet him, surveying the delicate blossoms appreciatively. "Oh Kansas, it's gorgeous! Thank you, love," she said as she scooted around the vase in his hands to give him a kiss. "The gods must truly favor me to give me such a wonderful man as you." How she had ever been happy before he came into her life, she could not recall.

"We'll have to put this by the window in our room! Right now though, I was thinking of making a fire to help warm the house up. Maybe we could snuggle by the heat for a while?" There really was no other way she would prefer to spend this morning, or any other for that matter.

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