Changing times

Momma to the rescue! 300+

Savina had been away from Crimson Dreams for a little while on a trip to an old human town that lay a ways down the coast. She had discovered it on a recent excursion away from the pack. It was not nearly so large as Halifax was, but it was also much closer to her home than the large old city was. Barrington, as she had learned it had been named, was also not nearly so unnerving as the dead city could be at times. It was a much more quite place that did not have the towering concrete structures of the city. Ever since the weather had turned colder, the woman had been worried about her adopted son. His coat did not thicken out as much as even her own did, and he often complained of being cold. At night she had made sure to cover him in many blankets to keep him warm, but he needed something to keep him warm during the day as well. She had knit him a scarf, but he could not put it on himself since he had yet to learn to shift.

The Consul had taken Lexington, her mate's horse, out to Barrington to search for a nice heavy coat for Denali. Like the scarf, it unfortunately would not do him much good until he could shift, but she had to do something for him. If he kept being so chilled all the time he could get sick and even though she trusted her daughter's skills as a healer, she did not want Denali getting to the point of needing her help. During her search, Savina had found a few coats and some other items that could help keep her young son warm, including some mittens and a hat. She would have to cut out places for his ears, but that would be simple enough. Pleased with her finds, she loaded Lexington back up and rode back home.

When they reached the manor she awkwardly dismounted and took all the things she had found. Riding the large stallion was not something she was good at, but she had taken it slow and thankfully had not fallen off. The horse seemed to know that she was not that confident upon his back and so made sure he did not move too jerky or fast. Smiling, she patted the horse's neck and headed inside. When she came in, immediately she saw a figure laying motionless on the floor. At first she didn't recognize him, but the fur patterns alerted her to the fact that it was Denali. "Denali!" Savina rushed over to him, looking him over. He had changed! But had he hurt himself? "Are you okay?" she asked, her hand coming to his face.

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