all i want

OOC here: Table & Coding © Fae; Sorry, it's been unusually cold where I am at (enough to actually get snow) and I'm anemic so I can't keep body heat so I've been freezing lately and unable to feel my fingers and toes. And sure we can, just give me a date and I'll see what he has happening around that time; 379 words

While a good number of the members of the pack had taken up residence in the town Ouija had stuck to living on his own in the forest. He had found a place that was tucked away from view. It was a perfect place to keep his things and set up in the way that he was most comfortable. He had an underground cave where he could keep candles lit as well as being able to write upon the walls. It had the feel of being at home in the cult. The only thing missing was the pressing of bodies close to his own. But other than that it was pretty much home, or at least as he could come to it. But he had left that behind in order to go and explore where everyone else seemed to be staying at.

He walked around without purpose at least until he saw someone. It was the female whose bad he had carried, the one who had been missing from the start of the meeting. He smiled a bit as he approached. It looked as if she was having a bit of trouble. And well, he had nothing else to do. "So this is where you have been hiding." He spoke with a bit of a chuckle as he came over to stand next to her. "Was wondering what had happened to you. If you had run off like that other female had." It was just idle conversation mostly but hey, the female was a cute one and he needed some reason to speak after all. And well he couldn't think of anything else to say. What better opening line than to let the female know that she was missed? That at least one had noticed that she had gone missing.

He reached up to help her tug down the greenery from the windows. "So you are claiming this place as your own then? Perhaps I can visit every so often and help with the up keep if you want." He figured that if he offered help then she would be more inclined to let him visit. After all who would turn away the offer for help? Turn away someone that was willing to do all of the hard labor?

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